Abstract 2020-2023 Divinity, €4500, 95x125cm Floral Dance, €2250, framed, 95x125cm Free As A Wave, €1250, 2020 Acrylic on canvas framed Universum 2, €750, (2 parts) , 38x56cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019 Universum 1 €750 (2 parts), 38x56cm, acrylic on canvas, 2019 Sounds of Autumn, €150, 40x40cm, acrylic on canvas And Calm Returned, €1800, 125x90cm, acrylic on canvas Jewelled Gods, €650, 35x90cm, acrylic on canvas Floral Fantasy, €650, 55x70cm, acrylic on canvas Floating Dance of Magic, €650, 35x90cm, acrylic on canvas Melodies of the Moon, Sold, acrylic on canvas, 125x90cm, Tribal Rhythms, sold, 70x90cm, acrylic on canvas, 2020.